IMAC Is it possible to use my Mac to mine Bitcoins? Ask Different

Bitcoin mining on Mac


Currently the best miner on the market for mining Bitcoin is the Antminer S19 Pro by Bitmain. provides

a comprehensive guide to securing your wallet, and we suggest you read it fully. If your curiosity can’t be abated, and you’re still eager to proceed, we’ll show you how to get involved. More realistically, you’d calculate the purchase cost minus the resale value after four or five years to base it on the true cost of ownership, but it’s still peanuts either way. For example, some rogue developers have threatened to release software that could hard-fork the network which would likely result in tremendous financial damage. If you are mining with a pool then the amount should be negligible with about 10MB/day.





The M1 Max ought to roughly double the mining rate, and we’re not factoring in assumed rises in the value of the currency mined, but you can see that nobody is going to be buying these as mining rigs. There are many mining pools that you can choose from, but I prefer BitMinter as my primary pool and Slush’s pool as my backup. Just create an account whichever one you choose and log in.



Should I mine Bitcoin?



The world of Bitcoin mining is now dominated by specifically designed ASIC chips. These custom chips are orders of magnitude faster than CPU or GPU based miners and are available in USB devices that connect to a Mac. For those users who need a little more in the way of front-end support, MacMiner may represent a viable solution. Whether you’re joining a mining pool or mining solo, you will need to get familiar with the most up-to-date mining software. The different software options out there vary by the miner types they support (GPU/ASIC/FPGA), supported platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.), and more. With Bitcoin, miners use special software to solve math problems and are issued a certain number of bitcoins in exchange.



You just need to install the software of your choice from the list presented in this article, and you’re ready to start mining. CGMiner is probably the most well-known Bitcoin mining programme on the market. It’s the first open-source programme of its kind and has enjoyed the miners’ trust around the world for more than 10 years. Its command-line interface is a bit complex because it doesn’t have a fancy, elegant design. Instead, you get a classic programming interface that’s more suitable for advanced users, but once you get the hang of it, using CGMiner becomes quite simple. Cloud mining isn’t a specific type of mining in terms of used technology like CPU, GPU, or ASIC mining since it can include any of these three mining techniques.



How to use a Mac to make Bitcoin



Miners play a key role in powering the Bitcoin blockchain, and without them, there would have to be some sort of central authority that approves transactions. The BTC blockchain is fully decentralized, and there is no central server that checks transactions. Instead, this obligation is delegated to network nodes, which are actually miners and their computers. The blockchain itself consists of a linear string of data blocks that contain 1MB of transaction data per block. Blocks are set chronologically from first to last, and they are immutable, which means that their content can’t be changed after they are approved and added to the blockchain. This mechanism was later copied by many cryptos, including Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).


  • This means that you can use CGMiner to run your Mac powered mining operation no matter whether you’re engaging in large-scale mining with an ASIC or modest hobby mining with your built-in GPU or CPU.
  • These machines are very expensive, and they have far more hashing power compared to mining rigs.
  • MultiMiner was designed from day-one to cater to both new miners and power users.
  • The role of the software doesn’t need to be explained, but you must know that the efficiency of mining will depend on its quality.
  • Going strong for many years, CGminer is still one of the most popular GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining software available.
  • There are several mining methods, some of which include an advanced processor and high-quality and strong hardware, while some include the installation of specialized applications for that on a smartphone.


It is simple to set up but if you have any difficulties check out the tutorial. Bitcoin, in principle, does for financial transactions what email did for communication–it makes it fast, free and available to all. Other crypto-currencies are being created that correct many of Bitcoin’s issues.



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You can choose to manage your ASIC miner with the MacBook Pro, or you can engage in BTC mining with your computer’s GPU or CPU. MultiMiner is another trustworthy BTC mining software available for download at Github. Unlike CGMiner, MultiMiner has a very simple graphical user interface (GUI) suitable for beginners. It was launched back in 2013 by Nate Woolls, Bitcoin mining on Mac the developer of BFGMiner. The software is compatible with Mac computers and it can be used to run ASIC miners, as well as perform CPU and GPU Bitcoin mining. This means that you can use CGMiner to run your Mac powered mining operation no matter whether you’re engaging in large-scale mining with an ASIC or modest hobby mining with your built-in GPU or CPU.