Indian Education Sector needs a relook

Indian Education Sector Needs a Relook


The growth of a country is synonymous with the growth of its youth.

The youth defines the path of growth for any country. They need proper education, So the youth of the country needs to be looked after properly.

A country like India, where over 50 percent of the 1.3billion population is youth, the care for youth becomes mandatory.

Yet, the question arises, are we doing enough for them? Are we taking care of their growing requirements too?

Well, the answer is no! No, we are not taking good care of our youth. Their health, education, etc. are not being taken care of adequately. We are not doing enough to get them ready for the future.

Our education system is based on thoughts of – “Monitoring – Inspection- Suspension.” This needs to be changed to “Enable- Empower- Inspire.”

Over the last century or so, the Indian education system is still the same in its thoughts. Indian teaching methodology has not changed much since the industrial age. Our education system calls for reforms, which will make it apt for future generations.

These reforms should be based on the rigorous sample-based learning & assessment of children. Reforms should aim to develop their skills to make them ready for the future.

As Plato said, ‘Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.’

Education must reflect the transformational changes in our life – the way we communicate, collaborate, think, work, network, and celebrate. This change will come when we make changes in our thoughts. These changes are possible only when you let edupreneurs grow.

There are many who are interested in bringing quality education within the reach of eager students but are unable to do so because of the hardships they face in opening a school.

Hardships, like getting approval for opening school, designing the curriculum, recruiting qualified staff etc.

These tasks prevent private investors from investing in schools. They face difficulty in all these areas.

To resolve this very issue Shri Educare Limited has put together a team of experts to support and coach this segment of edupreneurs

They support you in Curriculum design, Human Resource Recruitment, Handling Financial aspects and creating a right mix of plans & policies related to the smooth functioning of school that are the basic requirements for opening an ideal school.

Shri Educare Limited (SEL). is engaged in providing end- to- end consultancy services for schools (Pre-school and K12) in India and abroad.

Their extensive support ensures that you fulfill your dream of opening a school with the potential & strength to cater to the ever dynamic & changing global needs of the students.

You can get in touch with them at