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July 2020

Increasing Wellness In Students

I believe that investing in our children\’s development from the earliest age is the single most important contribution we can make as parents, teachers, and mentors. Young minds are very fragile and vulnerable, and they are influenced entirely by their environment and the family. Wellness for students encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a very peaceful and tranquil spirit. Guiding our children and showing them a way on this path of wellbeing is surely our moral duty. I am reminded of an incident when I met a student at his cousin\’s wedding. Udit is a father of two and works in Melbourne. Catching up with him I noticed that his eyes became moist and he thanked me. He told me that during our Physics classes I had shared a couple of anecdotes and stories about life and its purpose. Udit took me by surprise when he said that those words left an indelible mark on him and he has since felt very evolved exploring spirituality and philosophy. Coming from a young successful NRI, it was a pleasant surprise and all we could do as two individuals was to share a warm hug!  I realised with great humility that our words, gestures, knowledge, experiences as teachers or mentors go a long way. When and where we leave our impression is indeed a puzzle. Increasing wellness in young lives should be our constant endeavour and setting an example for them seems to be the best strategy. A determined focus on the value of gratitude does wonders to a failing morale or a low self-esteem. When we guide others on the joys and privileges that we have, we can mould a rewarding habit of being grateful and thankful. It is very easy for children to slip into a cocoon of self-pity, depression, and anxiety. They face many invisible enemies like peer pressure, broken relationships, and performance worries. A very important part of steering them towards wellness and stability is to give them support as patient listeners and non-judgemental guides. Wellness to me is the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort. Parents face great challenges as they deal with the changing dynamics of kids and the expectations they have. Teachers must play an equally important role in convincing students that however difficult life may seem, there is always something they can do and succeed at. Helen Keller said, \” Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.\” Every journey is a learning experience and students need not feel alone and isolated. Their pursuit of a passion or a goal should be appreciated and even mediocrity should be applauded. As adults our own wellness stems from the spontaneous smiles and responses from youngsters. When the family, the classroom, friends and peers experience life with compassion, patience, inclusiveness, and selflessness then, we can hope for a better feeling of self-worth. When \’ I \’ is replaced by \’ We’, even illness becomes wellness. As we feel like there is a shortage of quality schools in different parts of the country so we provide consultancy services for starting a school (Pre-school, K12) in India and abroad. So, if you want the best guidance related to it then feel free to join hands with Shri Educare. Thank you Rajender Shah AVP (Operations)

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The 4 Magic A’s in your Pandemic Tool Kit

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of our children.” – Nelson Mandela Enough has been said and discussed about the pandemic and how it has us all in grips of fear and anxiety. The precautions to be taken to keep oneself safe from the virus. New vocabulary has been introduced to our everyday conversation. Children as young as preschoolers are now talking about “Social Distancing” and the “New Normal”. When they look back, twenty years from today, what is it that they will remember? Are they going to look back at the year that was 2020 and shudder in remembered fear, or will they have memories of how humanity came together to come through these trying times? And that is the essence of this passage. As parents, teachers and caregivers, it is time to reflect, not only about what is to be done right now, but also about the future our young children are heading towards. While physical well-being is the focus right now, we must also look at how we can keep our children emotionally strong. And this can be done only if the adults around them work together. Here are some suggestions to enable this. And we call it the 4 A’s that will see you through! The first “A” is Awareness. It is important that we make ourselves Aware of the reality that is. Understanding the situation in totality will help us sift through the unending information that is bombarding all media handles. It will help us keep our balance and reduce our anxiety. Not everything that is published is authentic. Check for accuracy of information and validate it by checking authentic websites, such as the WHO, CDC and the IMA. Refrain form forwarding messages that trigger panic and anxiety. Stop the spread, not just of the virus, but also of these morbid messages. The second “A” is Acceptance. The situation is what it is. Accept it. The sooner we move to accepting the situation, the sooner we will find ways to resolve the everyday issues we face. Look for the silver lining each day. This forced “Stay at Home” situation has opened up so many new avenues for us to grow and develop. The first and most significant advantage everyone is speaking about is the wonderful quality time that we are able to enjoy with our family. Family ties are getting stronger, lost friends are reconnecting, new skills are being learnt. Above all, many of us are rediscovering ourselves. The third “A” is Adaptability. Evolution has proven that adaptation is the only way in which a species can survive. To mention an oft quoted cliché, it is the rule of the “Survival of the Fittest” that one needs to remember. Learn to adapt, to change with the situation. Once you have made yourself aware of the situation and accepted it for what it is, evaluate it and see what needs to be done to adapt to it. Learn new skills if you must, be it technology, communication, presentation, etc., equip yourself with the new skills required to function optimally. Build resilience and patience. Find new interests and hobbies. Increase, not just your physical immunity, but also your emotional resilience. The final “A” in the tool kit is Appreciation. Appreciate what we have rather crib about than what we do not have. With so many people across the globe succumbing to the virus, we are indeed very fortunate that we are employed, safe, alive and healthy. Count your blessings, you’ll be surprised to know that your blessings outweigh and out number your woes. Think of all those who have lost their lives, or lost their loved ones; or lost their jobs; of those who are facing extreme financial difficulties; who are stranded so far from home; who do not even have a safe place to call “home”! We are fortunate and blessed. Therefore, let us appreciate this. Not just by sending up a prayer of thanks, but also by actioning that appreciation. Extend help and support wherever and whenever you can. Appreciate those who are working to sustain an element of normalcy, even during these bizarre times; those risking their lives to save that of others. Appreciate the educators who are burning the midnight oil to ensure that learning never stops. Appreciate the family that is providing you with a loving and safety net, so that your schedule for working from home or working for home is as seamless as possible. There are so many educational franchises available but you need to find one that seems like the perfect fit for you. Shri Educare is the best preschool franchise, you can definitely get in touch with me if you need any advice related to it.

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Use Adversity to Your Advantage

Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves comes when life seems most challenging. – Joseph Campbell Such is the power of Adversity. Therefore, rather than looking at adversity as a roadblock in our lives, we need to look at how we can use them as the proverbial steppingstones to take us further. Those who do so, not only go further, they also grow stronger. It is the tough times that makes us innovate, improvise and invent. History has enough examples to prove this. Every invention created come into existence because a need was felt for it. The stronger the need, the faster the invention – or in the present scenario, the discovery. The pandemic holds us in its grip and the entire planet has a single point agenda at the moment, and that is to find a vaccine that will help stop its spread. Cure, thankfully, is now a possibility. Looking at the positive side of things, one can’t help but reflect on how, people around the world have put aside their differences and are all trying to support each other – nationwide and worldwide – in an attempt to what is now popularly being known as “flattening the curve”. Bringing this to our context, how can we as parents and educators, strengthen our children and make them more resilient? A question that every adult is concerned about today. So, first things first. One of the things the children definitely need to be able to build resilience is your complete faith and support. As parents, you need to be there for your children. Therefore, carve out time from your schedule, however busy you are and give them your complete and undivided attention. Make this time special and sacred. No gadgets, no phone calls, no TV viewing or even listening to music. Don’t couple this special time with chores to be done around the house. These conversations are very important and hence need to be given that stature. Now, just because the time is to be considered sacrosanct and important, does not mean this is “serious” conversation time only. What it means is that all bodies are on “Listening Body” mode and each one gets a chance to talk and be heard. Once this is established as a routine, you will notice that children become more vocal and start voicing their thoughts, emotions, concerns and anxiety. That is when you begin to steer the conversation towards becoming resilient. Talk to them about the adversity that they (and you too) are facing and discuss each person‘s perspective. Watch as they come out with simple solutions to dealing with, not just the adversity itself, but also its effects on themselves and others. Explain to them how it is important to face the adversity to be able to overcome it. Denying or evading it is what makes the adversity grow stronger or larger. Facing it upfront will result in one of two things – we either get stronger and hence are able to overcome it; or we are able to change the adversity into an opportunity and then optimize it to our advantage. Every adversity humankind has faced had enabled them to evolve into a stronger, more resilient and advanced species. It has brought people across the globe together as a single community. It is those who do not face adversity that fall beside the wayside. The ones that reach the finish line are those who strove on despite all odds. The undiluted special time you spend with your children will build their inner strength, confidence and self-esteem, it will enable them to look at things from all available perspectives, it will strengthen them with skills such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking and decision making. It will teach them responsibility and independence. It will strengthen self-discipline and character. In short, it will help mould your child into an individual that steps into the now cliched “New Normal” with courage, confidence, commitment and conviction. A true global citizen who will contribute and make a difference in the world. If you want to invest in an educational franchise, however, it is important that you handle your due diligence to help ensure that it will meet your expectations. Join hands with Shri Educare if you want to get any help relating to the school franchise.

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Dealing with Sibling Rivalry

“Sibling relationships are like Tom and Jerry. They tease and irritate each other, knock each other down, but can’t live without each other!” – Anonymous Rivalry of any kind surfaces only where there is comparison and competition. While competition can be healthy, it takes on a negative form when coupled with unfair comparisons. And that is when problems arise. So is the case with rivalry amongst siblings. The cause for this also remains the same. When parents begin comparing their children, and pitch them one against one another, rivalry surfaces. Sibling rivalry can leave traumatic memories for the children, if we as parents and other adults in their lives are not sensitive to its impact. At the outset, the most important thing that parents must keep in mind is that each child is unique. They come with their strengths and challenges. Expecting one to match up to the skill or competency of the other is the most hurtful and unfair thing you could do to them. Accept each of your children as they are, that is what unconditional love is all about. Try and identify their strengths and applaud them for these strengths; recognize and understand the challenges teach one faces, and support them, encouraging them to tr again and not give up. When children see that you are there for them, irrespective of whether they succeed or falter, they will be motivated to move forward. When the watch you empathise with and support their sibling, they will learn empathy and in their own way provide support to. Remember, there will come a time when we, as parents, will not be around. When that time comes, it will be the siblings who will provide the emotional support to each other. Make your children appreciate their own strengths as well as those of their sibling(s). Enable them to be sensitive to the difficulties the other is facing. Sharing and caring can only develop if there is fairness and unconditional love in the environment they grow up in. When they get into fights or confrontations, don’t ignore them, or punish them. Sit them down and have a dialogue. Listen to both sides of the story. Don’t get into a judgemental mode. The dialogue should mainly aim at getting them to voice their anger or irritation. Your calm, loving and non-judgemental demeanour will enable them to hear their own version of the story. Most often than not, they will resolve the issue themselves, because now each one has heard the other’s version of the tory as well. Explain to them how “He/She started it” is not acceptable. Let them understand for themselves the fairness or unfairness (or “rightness/wrongness”) of their actions/words. Remind them about their ability to make the right choices and decisions. Enable them to understand how these choices or decisions have consequences. In doing so, not only do you establish an environment of open dialogue and discussion, but also help instill a sense of awareness, responsibility and confidence in your children. Ignore small arguments between children, these are all part of growing up. In fact, these brickbats are the ones that strengthen the bond between siblings. If you see that they are resolving their differences with each other without you stepping in, let them do so. However, if it gets really bitter, intervene before one of them harms the other – physically or emotionally. Have certain ground rules – for everyone, parents included. Top of the list should be Acceptance and Respect. When children feel loved and respected, they grow in the secure knowledge that they are valued for themselves. This security prevents jealousy or envy and the home becomes a happy place for them…… despite all differences. A child cannot learn everything at home so sending them to school to learn real values is really crucial. The highly experienced teachers can teach them in a very fun way. As there is a shortage of quality schools in India, Shri Educare provides services for starting a school (Pre-school, K12). You can even start a high-quality preschool franchise in Gurgaon and provide education to many children.

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Lockdown, Pandemic and Professional Development

लॉकडाउन, महामारी और व्यावसायिक विकास
“एजुकेशन जीवन की तैयारी नहीं, ये अपने आप में ही एक जीवन हैl”
शिक्षा-शिक्षक तथा शिक्षण प्रणाली प्रत्येक देश, उसकी संस्कृति, सुरक्षा तथा प्रगति का महत्त्वपूर्ण अंग मानी जाती है l लेखक ने बड़ी खूबसूरती से शिक्षा और जीवन के सम्बन्ध का बखान किया हैl

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