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September 2020

Buying School Franchise

Procedure Of Buying School Franchise

Buying a franchise can help you to achieve your dream of business ownership success. However, purchasing a franchise is not just a piece of cake. Here are some key steps to consider before buying a franchise. RESEARCH The first step before buying a franchise is to do thorough research. You should find all relevant information about various franchise opportunities available at your location pertaining to your target industry. The most important thing is to find the right franchise which comes under your budget, qualifications, personal interest and suits your needs and geographical location. Also, you should check whether you fit into the requirements of the franchise or not, and also whether you qualify all those requirements or not. additionally, you should have a thorough information about them, their years of experience, success stories and challenges.  IDENTIFY INDIVIDUAL FRANCHISE  Now after completing the research, evaluate individual franchise companies and select one from all of them, which you think is the most suitable according to your requirements and matches your vision and expectations. Try to choose the companies that have franchises available at your desired location. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Franchisors set minimum qualification requirements to ensure that all the franchisees are eligible in terms of finance, space requirements, professional experience, location. This is because their business, brand image, goodwill directly depends on the success/failure of a franchisee.  SUBMIT REQUEST  When all the research and analysis is done, select two or three industry categories. Within each category, pick one to three franchisees from which to request information. The companies will connect you with an appropriate representative, and they will probably revert back within a week by e-mail or call with all the pertinent information.  FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT After you submit the qualification questionnaire, the franchisor is going to provide a franchise disclosure document (FDD), which contains all the important information regarding the franchise. Review this information carefully and get any questions answered before you proceed to the next step. VISIT EXISTING FRANCHISEES The best way to get information about any franchise is to visit or connect with the existing franchise schools. Contact them and clear all the queries you have about the business. This is the best source to get to know about their success stories, challenges faces and evaluate how well a franchisor supports them. VISIT FRANCHISOR If you’re on the brink of entering a business, it is necessary to satisfy those who are going to be supporting you to run your business successfully. You’ll be able to get any of your final queries answered, however also they will be evaluating you as a possible franchise. FINALIZE Once you are done with all the above steps, it’s time to make your final decision. The final step in the mutual evaluation process is to sign the franchise agreement and meet the head or executives who will work with you as a franchise. You’re now into a franchise business if you have carefully followed all these steps. If you are really interested in buying a School Franchise then Shri Educare is the best option for you. They make sure that they support you in each and everything and help you run a franchise that would prove to be a successful business.

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Education Franchise

Education Franchise As A Profitable Sector

Education has eventually evolved as one of the foremost outstanding and profitable sectors within the Indian Business trade. It is believed that if the investor follows the essential tips and guidelines while running an education entity, success is unquestionably looking ahead of them to fancy. The growing number of brands within the Indian education sector is a great example of how much this sector is profitable. Initially, the industry had limited segments that attracted the educators for pursuing their dreams and goals. But with changing times, the industry is now a home of various sub-segments that are equally profitable and generate revenue. Moreover, the growing concept of franchising has added the cherry on top for Indian Educators. Everyone is very well aware of the gaining popularity of the franchise-based business that is now re-shaping the Indian education market. Education business owners are taking a route towards franchising to diversify their business alongside reassuring success as a complete package. Ideal Model For Increasing A Brand People enter any business vertical with the hope of creating their brand’s name by increasing their branches all across the country. As time passes by, people notice that their dream to expand the business may simply become reality by following the franchising path. Currently, India contains a ton of academies and institutes that do nice business and have with success introduced their branches all across the country via franchising. Beyond question, the idea of franchising has actually revolutionized the Indian education market with a lot of technological and pedagogical advancements for the times ahead. Basic Benefits of an Education Franchise Despite being an old idea, franchising has recently begun to gain large momentum and growth because of its increasing awareness. Potential investors are realizing the advantages of the model and how it will facilitate them to achieve their goal. Mentioned below are some key benefits of an education franchise business. Tried and Tested: When you invest in a running business, it gets very beneficial for you as well as it gives you a sense of confidence and assurance. Predefined protocols, SOP’s, policies, processes and systems add to the quick turnaround of the venture. Although, It does involves a lot of hard work and following the protocols given by the franchise, however, It also ensures success through the tried and tested methodology. Trusted Brand: Another important advantage of a franchise business can be that it involves recognition with a well trusted and a very reputed brand. It also provides a well-established brand name to the investors. Not only this, they all get nationwide acknowledgement as well. In this business, you don’t have to start from scratch in order to run a business and create brand awareness and instantly join the pool of investors who have already joined hands with the established brand. Support Provided : Franchises also get the all time support from their franchisor in terms of everything like setting up their business, supplies, marketing collaterals, plans and publicity, defining the org structure, setting up recruitment processes etc. and above all that, you receive continuous training and the support from the corporate office. A Turnkey Business : Many people have the skill to run an existing business but they don’t have much expertise in all domains and fully understand what all it takes to start a business from scratch, connect with the suppliers, complete the compliances and formalities etc to set the ball rolling and running – whether it is obtaining financial documentations, loans or negotiating lease terms etc. Buying an existing franchise can cut out most of your hard work like finalizing a suitable site from the shortlisted locations, negotiating a lease, etc. So if you are looking to open a school Franchise Brand then, Shri Educare Ltd is your go-to consultant. Shri Educare Ltd (SEL) helps investors with franchise business expansion plans in the pre-schools and K-12 schools sector with full support, care and commitment. Why Is The Education Franchise A Profitable Business? Some might probably think why the Education Franchise Business can be a good investment start for you. But the mere fact that education has been fused into the lives of human beings makes it a very flourishing and profitable industry. The education sector is also profitable especially in countries where it is necessary for every child who is of the age to go to school. Government is also excessively investing in education to improve their nation, even urging private investors to invest in the education sector so that education from primary school to university level can be offered. In addition, the Educational Franchise Opportunities in the education industry is also huge. In fact, an innovative and very creative entrepreneur can have limitless opportunities to make his or her business concept highly marketable in the industry. The main question, however, in the flourishing education industry is not how profitable the business is but how entrepreneurs will be able to balance their money-spinning potential while having a compassionate vision. Education Franchise Opportunities In India The Education Franchise Business has been in existence for a long time, especially in western countries. However, the scenario is now very fastly changing for the Indian business market as different national and international brands are entering the Indian market with a vision to dominate their respective industries. India is now a home of various Education Franchise Brands that are successfully serving their audiences, coming up as one of the biggest education-related franchise brands that exist in the country. Also, elements like rising incomes, competitions among the Indian residents for a better all-round education for their child, are some of the elements that are responsible for the heavy boom of the Indian Education Franchise Opportunities. In the immediate and near future, investment in the Education Franchise Business will make it an evergreen section for remaining profitable. So Are You Ready To Learn More About Buying An Education Franchise? Let Us Have A Look That Why You Should Consider A School Franchise Benefits Of Education Franchise Despite being a traditional idea, Education Franchising Opportunities has started to gain large quality and growth because of its increasing

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Impact Of COVID-19 On Franchising

This year, the world witnessed the spread of the Coronavirus outbreak and lives have changed irreversibly in the last four months. It all started when the first case was reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. Since then, the number of people getting affected has only increased, and that too differentially, forcing countries across the globe to go into a lockdown mode. The social distancing measures put in place to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus disease have also had an adverse impact on the education domain. Over 90 percent of the school population has been affected due to the nationwide closures implemented in 216 countries worldwide. In India, 320 million-plus learners have been impacted due to the countrywide lockdown. The pandemic is likely to have long term consequences on the way educational institutions are being envisaged, not only in India but across the world. COVID-19 has become a desire for educational institutions worldwide to search for innovative solutions in a relatively short period of time. It would not be wrong to say that an ed-tech revolution is infusing in India. Maximum schools in India, as well as globally, have started with online platforms for teaching students without further delay. So, Where Do These Changes Leave The Education Franchise Industry? The Covid-19 impact on Franchising will be mainly on sales and the supply chain. The integrity of the Franchise networks will also be tested during this period. According to industry experts, Franchise networks in sectors such as Education and Retail will witness delays rather than lost demand. Educationists have to initiate some contingency strategies to overcome the challenges of disruption of supply chains and economic activities during this uncertain time. So here are some ways to cope up with this situation in the time of this global crisis.  Webinars To Connect With Potential Investors: Do conversation with a large number of investors who are keen to set up school franchises and are digitally connecting even from rural areas. The response that you will get from them will be mixed. You should constantly create the best of the business continuity plans and practices which allows an investor with short term reductions and long term flexibilities which is becoming a winning proposition at this stage. Make loyal partners and provide them with flexibility in the time frame to set up school so that investors can slowly overcome their financial losses. Demonstrating Effective Leadership and Engagement: You should be committed to your franchises and you should be in regular communication with your business partners. Franchisors may not have all the answers. However, they are always there to acknowledge the troubles that the Franchises are facing during this critical time and provide them with relevant, timely information and resources. They strongly believe in service with pride, lead with confidence, inspire to impact others and adhere to the philosophy that education is the prime contributor to the development of self. Financial Resources and Support: Franchisors also need to address franchise questions on cash flow and viability of continued business operations during and after the Covid-19 outbreak. They need to understand this responsibility and should be in the process of considering financial and other reliefs for their business partners. Effective Media Strategy: You should also help your partners with consistent messaging on media queries pertaining to the pandemic. You should be guiding your business partner schools on the best practices in PR/Social Media Messaging during this time. Lastly, you should be prompt in taking proper steps on curbing the spread of the adverse effects of the pandemic on the health of your partner schools. You should also be oriented towards your partner at every level to handle such unprecedented times with positivity and assisting them to develop appropriate contingency plans concurrent with the altered business implications of Covid-19. We know that it gets extremely hard for someone throughout these times to work with their franchisors and dealing with the franchise. So, if you’re thinking of investing in a School Franchise then Shri Educare is the best choice for you. Shri Educare makes sure that they offer you full support with each and everything you are doing and assist you to run a franchise that would prove to be a flourishing business in the time of COVID-19. 

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Gearing Up for the New Normal

“If you are always trying to be Normal, you will never know how amazing you can be!” Mary Angelou And that is the perspective all of us need to take amidst these unprecedented times! Too much has already been said and written about the pandemic and that seems to be the only thing people around seem to have to discuss. Time now to move on. The “New Normal” as it has now been popularly christened is just another phase in all our lives. History of humankind has shown us how we have come through adversities, evolving and developing into a stronger and more resilient species.  And so shall we through this pandemic as well. Parents are concerned, and rightfully so, about the health and safety of their children as talks of opening schools in a month’s time is hitting the headlines. School authorities are concerned and anxious as well. Where one set of adults are worried about how safe it will be, the other set are working hard detailing out every aspect of how to ensure this level of safety and hygiene. It is a new way of life, and not fearsome danger, that awaits us outside the quarantined walls of our homes. How long are we going to keep our children within the confines of our homes? The longer we take to open our doors, the stronger the fear becomes. Rightfully said, the phrase “social distancing” meant just physical distancing, not a complete stop to social interactions. Humans are social animals and socialising is a very crucial and integral part of our growth and development. It is time to sit down and have a matter-of-fact discussion at home, with adults and children alike, and prepare with courage and conviction that the time to fight this situation has finally arrived. There is no point in putting it off. Follow the rules and precautions and life can carry on with a certain amount of old normalcy.  Encouraging news and statistics are being shared which augurs a light at the end of the tunnel. The vaccine will be here, how soon is not known, but that it will be here, is now no longer just speculation.  For the last six months, everyone across the globe has been talking of the lockdown, COVID-19 rules and precautions and the statistics attached to the pandemic. It is now time to look at how each one of us can work towards “flattening the curve”.  When schools open up, rest assured that all necessary precautions have been taken to ensure that the physical spaces have been sanitized as per the highest standards. Schedules created for the students who come to school have been carefully created and planned, so as to ensure that no risks are taken. Channels of communication are open and ready to address any and every concern parents may have regarding this. The bottom line here…… Now is the time to display the strength of the three-way handshake that the SHRI Family has always been so vocal about. Let us all come together to enable the return of normalcy in the lives of our little ones and young children. When they look back 20 years from now, let them remember 2020 as the year they saw their families, friends, teachers and caregivers at school come together as a united force to help them sail through with courage, conviction, commitment and collaboration. Shri Educare is one the premier Indian Organization for opening educational institutions. We provide customized turn-key solutions to help you start your own Educational Institute & run it successfully. If you\’re looking for expert guidance regarding your own school, you\’ve come to the right place. Being amongst the best preschool franchise we are backed by an experienced team who put together and can provide services (e.g., marketing, accounting, staffing, fundraising, project management, accreditation, training, programming, marketing, designing, architecture, planning, procuring, infrastructure). 

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Learning Never Stops

“To fight for change tomorrow, we need to build resilience today” – Sheryl Sandburg And that is why our Shri Educators across SEL Schools forged on, undaunted by the challenges this unprecedented turn of events put us in. Strong in the belief that “This Too Shall Pass”, SEL School have been working towards reinventing themselves and their pedagogy, to ensure that Learning doesn’t stop. While the world went into Lockdown and things came to a standstill, since everyone was caught on the blind side, Shri Educators toiled on, learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge about the various platforms available to them to transact their classes. They challenged the age old adage “Those who can – do, and those who cannot – Teach!” by proving that if anyone “did” during these trying times, it was indeed the teachers across the globe. Parents finally recognized the quantum of preparation and planning that each teacher does for a 40 minute session. Going live with critical eyes and ears watching their every move was a daunting task, but our Educators were not intimidated by this. With courage and conviction, they continued helping children settle into a new way of learning, adjusting the flow of their classes to the pace of each of the children. Tough though the task was, compromises were not made and any and every learning need of the children was taken into consideration. Ably supported by the Subject Domain experts at SEL and the strong IT support provided, the transition from a brick and mortar school to a virtual space became a journey to remember! Every effort was made to ensure that along with academic support, children’s emotional and social needs were also taken care of. Chill Out sessions for children, where they could connect with peers and teachers, were held. All school events, Founders’ Day, Investiture Ceremonies, Competitions and Celebrations, Virtual Tours to Museums and Wildlife Sanctuaries, Fun and Frolic Days et al were conducted with intrinsic Shri flavour. Needless to say, when our children look back to the year 2020, they will have memories of how together they came out stronger, more resilient and courageous. Hope, faith, optimism and collaboration are the key words that will enable us to come through these times, developing as a better version of ourselves.  The pandemic has proven to all that the Mind has the power to conquer hardships beyond one’s imagination. If anything, it has also shown how if we make the effort to think out of the proverbial box, we can achieve the most amazing things, both personally and professionally, individually and as a team. The consultants at Shri educare have years of experience in assisting schools to become smarter in the way they evaluate their own performance and implement change. Offering the best pre school franchise opportunities our approach towards opening a pre school franchise is focussed means that your plan will become the guarantee of future successes.

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