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School Franchise Opportunities by Shri Educare

The Best School Franchise Opportunity – How to Determine It

One thing, which comes to mind while thinking about education, is School Franchise Opportunities. The concept of franchising has created a huge stir. In the Indian educational system, there are different options for the investor to opt from which are – Preschools, Primary schools, and Senior Secondary Schools or K-12 Schools. Before going into school franchisee model, one should keep a few points in mind, which is crucial to the success of Franchisee schools. These points are as follows— Research about Franchisee opportunity You need to conduct a thorough market research in order to understand the different types of school franchisee available in the market. This includes Preschools, Primary schools, and Senior Secondary Schools or K-12 Schools franchise opportunities; you need to select the best from amongst them as per your vision and choice. Deciding on investment and land for the school Once you decide on what type of school you want to set up, the next point to get your attention is investment involved and land required for school. The amount may vary depending on the type of school franchise model you choose. Meeting various Consultants for Brands After doing research about the business opportunity, next step involved is to meet and consult the teams of various brand owners or consultants who will give you all the information that is vital for you as a prospective franchisee. Deciding upon the Brand This point is very crucial for the success of a school. A good consultant or brand owner will give you all the help required in setting up an ideal school, this includes school set – up the process, obtain the Essential Certificates to start a school, various approvals, etc. Signing Franchisee agreement signing the franchise agreement after selecting the best brand or consultant, will give you legal authority to use their brand name. You need to pay the franchise fee and royalty in order to use it. This will also bind the consultancy team to assist you in all the processes involved in setting up the school. Start of school process— you need to get certificates of approvals from government authorities in order to set up school. Once you are done with paperwork, you can start the construction of the building, buying different types of equipment, recruiting teaching staff, designing curriculum, facilities in terms of training for the school. In this process, the professionals of the franchisor can help you. These are some of the aspects which you need to be careful about before going for Franchise of schools in India. You need to be careful while deciding on the Consultancy Team or the Brand. You can get in touch with experts of the domain to get proper guidance. Shri Educare Ltd is an expert in this field. They will help you in building a school from scratch. If you have the required land and funds simply leave all your tensions to them and you are on your way to success. Their extensive support ensures that you fulfill your dream of opening a school with the potential and strength to cater to the ever dynamic and changing global needs of the students you can get in touch with them at

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Indian Education sector

Why do we need private investments in the Indian Education sector?

“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth,” said an ancient Greek philosopher. This statement clarifies why education is vital for any state or country. India has one of the largest education systems in the world, which is divided into three categories— Higher education – It comprises of universities, professional institutes, colleges etc. K-12 education- School education that goes on till 12th standard starting from kindergarten. Pre-school education— Small play schools that provide learning to children prior to K- 12 schooling. These three divisions, run by different regulatory bodies, have different rules for all. Over the last century, the education sector in India has not shown much change. While its counterpart, in other parts of the world, has completely been transformed. Many Indian classrooms still reminiscence of the factory system of the industrial age. An education system needs to evolve with time. Our schools need to check their shortcomings & work to improve them. This urgent need to transform the education space arises due to the growing demands of the competitive world. For this transformation to take place, we need to open new schools. In these schools, the students will get to learn with the help of new techniques & new technology. These new age schools will provide them with expert teachers who are abreast with recent developments in the field of education. Starting a school in India is not an easy task. Opening this kind of advanced and well-equipped schools is not at all child’s play. We have to be aware of what we need while opening a school. This involves approvals, planning the structure of the school, recruiting a passionate and committed team of people and designing a progressive curriculum. All these tasks are tough to handle. A single person cannot do it alone, he needs the help & support of trained professionals, who are aware of the nitty- gritty of this tedious process. It is advisable to get the services from one of the best school consultants in India. Do not worry –  a solution for all your problems is available. A dedicated team of professionals who will ensure that you are guided and trained with every intricacy involved in starting a school. This Consultancy is none other than Shri Educare Limited (SEL). SEL has a vision of bringing a revolution in the education space. By the integration of best practices from across the globe, they would transform your mere concept into a factual reality. For all your school-related queries you can get in touch with them at  

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Preschool Investment

Reasons to Invest in Preschool

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Education is considered the of noblest professions. Education has not only transformed lives, it also offers profitable business opportunities for multiple edupreneurs. One such source of profits is investing in Preschools. Preschools offer the toddler a conducive environment for his/her first learning experience. It is the first step in the learning curve. So, this first step needs to be in the correct direction in order to make life experiences correct. Hence, investing in quality preschools becomes crucial. Today we are going to discuss a few reasons as to why you should invest in preschools. Self-satisfaction— As a preschool owner, you are nurturing the children in their formative years. This will give you a sense of self-satisfaction, which can make anyone internally happy. Easy to open—     Opening a preschool has limited legal issues and licensing involved is simple. Hence, the challenges involved are not as many as those for a K-12 School. Better Work-Life balance— Preschool venture lets you spend quality time with family. You are required to work only for a small part of the day. Franchisee Support— In case you are opting for a preschool franchise, you are making the right decision. Top franchisees like Shri Educare Limited, provides you with all the support from inception to implementation. They help you do all the planning by supporting you with a well-designed Curriculum, Teacher Development through Trainings, Pre-School Operations, Digital Marketing and lot more. With an increase in disposable income and awareness among parents about Preschools, the concept of the preschool franchise seems to be pacing up. It is considered one of the highly profitable business opportunities today. The team of experts at Shri Educare will help you have a clear vision for a preschool and the way forward to realize that vision. The school’s establishment and functioning is taken care by them. Do not wait any longer, get in touch with the SEL team today. You can place your school-related queries at

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School Consultants in India

The Benefits of Hiring a School Consultant

A new school opened in your neighborhood but it is not running smoothly. The school owners opened a very beautiful school still it is not running as expected. This makes you think whether you should Start a School or not. You are worried about its success. Have you thought about why it is not functioning properly? Let us tell you what all one needs when thinking of owning a school. Starting with excellence is essential. Having appropriate building either you build it or buy or lease it Curriculum design Recruiting qualified staff Establishing policies and procedures etc. That is like so much to do but in a very limited time. Trying to complete all these, alone will certainly create issues for you. Having an experienced School Consultant on board can save a lot of your precious time, and get you on the right track. Experience, when combined with a determined focus on development and implementation of systems, ensure that the schools move forward rapidly and sustainably. This can only be done with the help of school consultants who will help you every bit. Let us give you a brief overview as to how they can benefit you. Deciding upon the premises of school- How many rooms are required? What should be the size of the rooms? What all security measures we need to take for kids? How much space is required for parking, assembly, and playground? These questions and many more questions related to the construction of the school, an experienced consultant could easily plan all these things. With the help of his resources, he can get the building designed as per the school’s requirements. Designing Educational Programme- Defining the educational plan, designing the curriculum aimed at the overall growth of kids and aligned to the school’s philosophy all these are very important for the smooth functioning of the school. Also getting approvals from the authorities can be extremely tiring & lengthy process. At such a time, experienced assistance can help you a lot. Recruitment of experienced staff— Having an open-minded, positive, adaptable, and student-focused teacher in the school is a plus point for the school. He/ she will have higher levels of energy and commitment. Finding such teacher is a pain. The consultant will help you decide upon which factors to take care of while recruiting the staff. They will also guide you regarding the salary to be given too. Setting up the administration and marketing plan— Setting up policies for HR, finance, admissions, attendance, security, curriculum, and reporting is essential to start the school. Such systems, policies, and procedures provide the foundation for your school. Also deciding upon the marketing plan of the school is very important too, as it will bring the school to the notice of people. A consultant will help you in deciding upon all these things before starting school. This will eventually make the road to success bit smooth. After getting this brief about the benefits of having a consultant, you must be thinking about getting a consultant on board. However, you do not want any random person or organization to do this for you. Do not worry. For your school concept, When you have consultants with a proven record of accomplishment, like Shri Educare Limited (SEL). The dedicated professionals from the SEL team ensure that you are guided and trained with every intricacy involved in the process of starting a school. Their team of academic experts, designers, business development team constantly strives to give the best to their clients to help them experience phenomenal growth. You can place your school-related queries at

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Indian Education Sector needs a relook

Indian Education Sector Needs a Relook

  The growth of a country is synonymous with the growth of its youth. The youth defines the path of growth for any country. They need proper education, So the youth of the country needs to be looked after properly. A country like India, where over 50 percent of the 1.3billion population is youth, the care for youth becomes mandatory. Yet, the question arises, are we doing enough for them? Are we taking care of their growing requirements too? Well, the answer is no! No, we are not taking good care of our youth. Their health, education, etc. are not being taken care of adequately. We are not doing enough to get them ready for the future. Our education system is based on thoughts of – “Monitoring – Inspection- Suspension.” This needs to be changed to “Enable- Empower- Inspire.” Over the last century or so, the Indian education system is still the same in its thoughts. Indian teaching methodology has not changed much since the industrial age. Our education system calls for reforms, which will make it apt for future generations. These reforms should be based on the rigorous sample-based learning & assessment of children. Reforms should aim to develop their skills to make them ready for the future. As Plato said, ‘Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.’ Education must reflect the transformational changes in our life – the way we communicate, collaborate, think, work, network, and celebrate. This change will come when we make changes in our thoughts. These changes are possible only when you let edupreneurs grow. There are many who are interested in bringing quality education within the reach of eager students but are unable to do so because of the hardships they face in opening a school. Hardships, like getting approval for opening school, designing the curriculum, recruiting qualified staff etc. These tasks prevent private investors from investing in schools. They face difficulty in all these areas. To resolve this very issue Shri Educare Limited has put together a team of experts to support and coach this segment of edupreneurs They support you in Curriculum design, Human Resource Recruitment, Handling Financial aspects and creating a right mix of plans & policies related to the smooth functioning of school that are the basic requirements for opening an ideal school. Shri Educare Limited (SEL). is engaged in providing end- to- end consultancy services for schools (Pre-school and K12) in India and abroad. Their extensive support ensures that you fulfill your dream of opening a school with the potential & strength to cater to the ever dynamic & changing global needs of the students. You can get in touch with them at

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Education System of India needs Improvement

India, the country with the largest headcount of young age population is moving towards becoming the largest economy of the world. We are progressing towards becoming a world power, but we still have many roadblocks in the journey. One of the main roadblocks is our education system Currently, the education system is based on Quantity (scoring marks). It is the only criteria schools teach students and in the process, Quality (Learning) is ignored completely. We could hardly see schools with facilities for physical activities, or for mental growth of students. They have playgrounds but students carry the burden of getting high grades, which does not let them play. Where will we go with this? With this kind of mindset, where the entire focus is on getting good marks only, the growth of youngsters as well as the country will eventually stagnate. We need to bring in the change in our thought process, How to bring in the change? Change is only possible if we will work towards investing in schools that are focused on the overall development of children. One can work towards providing quality education to all by investing in good quality schools. Providing education is a noble cause, which is a lucrative business as well. An Ideal School is one which has everything in place, but it is not easy to focus on everything at one go. How to get everything in one place? Bringing change is possible only through investing in Schools, for which one needs to have a consultant on board, who can help one create an ideal school. Education Consultants provide you with all the necessary support which is required to start a good, progressive school. This involves getting approvals for school building, inputs on architectural design, Curriculum, Human Resource Recruitment, handling Financial aspects and creating a right bank of plans & policies that support the smooth functioning of a school. One of the best names in this industry is Shri Educare Limited (SEL). They can help you with the entire process of setting up a school. You can get in touch with them on mail at or call +91 124 4529900

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Education System – Problems & Solutions

Education is the foundation of any country’s economy. A country where the education system is not in place, lags in every way. The same thing is happening in our country India. India as a country faces many problems in the educational system. Today we are going to list down some of the problems that we have identified in our education system. “Rattafying”or the rote learning process – this Hinglish word easily define the state of Indian education system. Students in our education system are compelled to rote learn in order to score high marks. The system sadly does not focus on strengthening and clearing the concepts. Insufficient Infrastructure— poor infrastructure & lack of facilities are reasons for the low turnout of students in schools. Students, especially girls, do not prefer to go to schools.Basic necessities, such as clean and hygienic drinking water and separate toilets for boys and girls, are not available in many of the school, even in urban India Teacher selection criteria– in most of our schools the teacher’s selection& recruitment process is non-merit based. They are selected as per the choice of selectors.Lack of proper academic qualifications and competency in pedagogy are another challenge. Poor Teacher-student ratio – Huge no. of students in a class are tackled by a single teacher, which leads to less focus on each child. In addition, students are not encouraged to ask questions or clarify their doubts. Shortage of training— no or very less emphasis is given to teacher training in our schools. This is a major reason why our teachers are not aware of new developments in the field of education. No emphasis on creativity— our education system focuses on quantity rather than quality. Getting high marks by hook or crook is the only aim of the students; they are not bothered about conceptual understanding or developing critical and creative thinking. This restricts the growth of their mind. These are some issues, that our educational system is facing nowadays, which need to be resolved and removed from our system. If not completely, then at least some percentage of it can be removed by opening schools which focus on providing progressive quality education to students. If merit-based teacher selection, output-oriented study, concept clarity of students are treated as important factors,  then we can think of bringing change in our education system. Opening schools where the focus is on providing an excellent education to students will ease the course of action. However, opening a school is not an easy job at all. You need many things like funds, land, getting approvals from authorities, designing architecture, expertise to create curriculum, etc. Not all these expert knowledge is available with a single person. School Consultancy service plays an important role in this tricky situation. Shri Educare is one such organization, which will help you in realizing the dream of opening such a school. Shri Educare’s team of experts will help you right from conceptualizing your plan to financial viability and feasibility, to finally launching and operating a school that provides quality and excellence in education. They hold your hands right from the conceptualization stage, safeguarding your investment and time every step of the way. Through in-depth research and constant up gradation of the curriculum with best practices across the world, they provide you with the turn-key support required by you to open preschools and K-12 schools.

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Own School Or Franchise? What Top School Consultants Suggest

“India is carving a niche in the global education industry and has more than 1.4 million schools.” However, there is still a lot of potential India holds for further development in the education system. Every day, my inbox gets flooded with numerous messages and the requests from people who are looking for ways to start their own educational startup with a school but get confused between what is meant by own school or franchise school. This dilemma often leads to confusion and an effective school fails to come into existence. To help you understand the concept behind both the aspects, I have brought posted this today so that you can understand what exactly a complete package of these aspects would contain. Starting Your OWN School The very idea of starting your dream project is nothing less than a magical journey, since you know the potential the schools have in their foundation, and apart from the monetary benefits, the strong platform you offer to the next generation. Eventually, starting an independent school is synonymous to start a new business from scratch, A plethora of opportunities for various talents and skills starting come onboard, Being a recession-free sector, it is a great idea to start a school. Something that stops the edupreneur is the lengthy and challenging process, but other lucrative aspects in this venture encourage them further, and it has boosted a lot of investors to come forward to invest in a school. Bearing in mind the benefits of starting a school, you must not forget that there comes a huge amount of responsibilities as well along with it. Take a look at the pros and cons of starting a school. PROS It is a rewarding and profitable venture since it requires a one-time investment. It promises the long-term profits. It offers a sense of satisfaction by serving the society at large. It involves the least number of formalities to kick-start the venture compared to any other business venture. CONS You need to take care of finances, marketing, recruiting, training, drafting the curriculum etc. on your own, to avoid the additional expenses at the initial stage. The number of admissions varies from year to year and depends largely on the popularity and credibility you have built. Competition is HUGE in this field, and it is not going to be just from the existing, but also from the upcoming ventures as well. The permission-granting process from various institutions is a very tedious and time-consuming task. Buying A School Franchise On the other hand, buying or running a franchise is considered a rewarding personal journey, but it has its own set of obstacles and challenges as well. Hence, we suggest you weigh and analyze both the pros and cons of getting a school franchise. PROS Being associated with an established brand name reduces the cost of initial setup and promotion. This model gives less number of financial risk since you are carrying forward the existing brand identity. You get a ready-made curriculum and designed syllabus. You receive initial training, ongoing support and continued inputs to ensure the development of the school. CONS There is a lack of flexibility and you need to adhere to the rules set by the governing educational institution. You have to pay a license fee, training costs, advertising charges, franchise fee, royalty, annually. There is a huge risk of losing the branding, if any branch attains public attention, due to any wrong reason. The education sector is proceeding further with prolific growth and either of the options is not free from its own set of advantages and risk factors. You need to be wise enough to pick the best choice for your concept venture. But, unless you have the guidance from an expert school consultant in India to ensure that the selected option is a comprehensive solution for you to set up a new school, you would always end up picking the wrong option for your venture. Hence, it is not advice, but it is highly recommended that you get the services from one of the best school consultants in India. However is it really that easy to get these services from a professional consultancy firm??? I know it is a hard nut to crack, to get a dedicated and genuine school consultant in India. Don’t Panic  I am here to suggest a proven consultancy firm, for your school concept and that is none other than Shri Educare Limited (SEL). The dedicated professionals from the SEL team would ensure that you are guided and trained with every intricacy involved in the process of starting a school. SEL has a vision of bringing a revolution in the education space and by integrating best practices, they would transform your mere concept into a factual reality. Their team of academic experts, designers, business development team constantly strives to give the best to their clients to help them experience phenomenal growth. Don’t wait any longer get in touch with the SEL team today You can place your school-related queries at +91 9555151317

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Open a School

Want to Open a School – Let us help you

Quality education is a dream for all but getting it is not easy Nowadays, we see many organizations offering their help to those who want to build schools, but quality education needs appropriate guidance. Here, we are going to give you a brief as to what you need to open a school- Education and co-curricular programmes focusing on delivering quality Architectural layout to create learning spaces fostering excellence Strong Educational team to give the best knowledge about what all is required in a system Consultants who have the expertise to help you set up systems across processes like marketing, HR, IT, Admin, Finance & Operations Academic team with expertise in curriculum, pedagogy and contemporary practices across the world Teaching and operations processes codified with the Standard Operating Procedures World class policies for administration, operations, and human resources. Comprehensive Marketing Plan and competitive understanding of the school environment. A value-based curriculum designed to create lifelong learners Now the question arises where to get all this together? Getting knowledge from different people of different domains is a tough task & a very costly affair too. What to do?  Where to go? Well, there is one organization can help you in getting expert knowledge all at one place. Shri Educare is one such organization, which will help you in achieving the dream of opening a school. ShriEducare’s expert team will help you right from conceptualizing your plan to financial viability and feasibility to finally launching and operating a school providing quality and excellence in education. They hold your hands from the beginning until the end, safeguarding your investment and time like no one else does. With extensive research, they provide excellent concepts to open preschools and k-12 schools too. For Pre-School with Shri Consultancy support imparting quality education, all you need to have is a Minimum Space 1500 square yards acres of land &upto15000 sq.ft. of Built-up area and an Investment of about 1crore& In case you want to start a K-12 school of top quality, requirements are Minimum Space for 5 acres of land & 1.5Lakh Sq.Ft. of built-up area and an investment of about 30 crores in a phased manner of 5 years. If you meet these requirement mandates, you are can initiate discussions and meeting with Shri Educare’s Experts team to open your dream school.

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Pre Schools In India

Pre-Schools In India – The Road Ahead – A blog by Shri Educare

Children between the ages of 3-6yrs are like sponges who can absorb much more than what parents can imagine. This time should be utilized to equip the little ones with skills, which they might need in later stages of life. How to give them the required knowledge, skills for the life ahead? At this time, Pre-schools come in handy, but what is Preschool? As per Wikipedia, “A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, playschool, or kindergarten, is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.” India has many Preschools. The concept of pre-schooling evolved in India a couple of decades back and has been developing fast in the current scenario. Rising awareness about early childhood education & care along with increasing number of nuclear families & working women population are some of the reasons of the increasing popularity of Pre Schools. With the effect of urbanization, increase in brand consciousness and penetration of many international preschools in the country, parents are aware of what they want for their children and how they want to shape their future too. This has consequently resulted in the emergence of innovative and advanced infrastructure as well as quality education in the preschools across the country. While there are many preschools across various regions in India, very few come under the organized sector, which provides quality education. One of these is The Shri Ram Wonder Years. TSWY is an institution, which engages learners in a joyful, nurturing, and progressive environment. Shri Educare Limited (SEL) has been engaged in providing 360-degree school consultancy services for (Pre-school, K12) in India and abroad. In case you wish to collaborate with Shri Educare Limited, to open a preschool you can get in touch with SEL at  

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