Education System – Problems & Solutions

Education is the foundation of any country’s economy. A country where the education system is not in place, lags in every way. The same thing is happening in our country India. India as a country faces many problems in the educational system. Today we are going to list down some of the problems that we have identified in our education system.

“Rattafying”or the rote learning process – this Hinglish word easily define the state of Indian education system. Students in our education system are compelled to rote learn in order to score high marks. The system sadly does not focus on strengthening and clearing the concepts.

Insufficient Infrastructure— poor infrastructure & lack of facilities are reasons for the low turnout of students in schools. Students, especially girls, do not prefer to go to schools.Basic necessities, such as clean and hygienic drinking water and separate toilets for boys and girls, are not available in many of the school, even in urban India

Teacher selection criteria– in most of our schools the teacher’s selection& recruitment process is non-merit based. They are selected as per the choice of selectors.Lack of proper academic qualifications and competency in pedagogy are another challenge.

Poor Teacher-student ratio – Huge no. of students in a class are tackled by a single teacher, which leads to less focus on each child. In addition, students are not encouraged to ask questions or clarify their doubts.

Shortage of training— no or very less emphasis is given to teacher training in our schools. This is a major reason why our teachers are not aware of new developments in the field of education.

No emphasis on creativity— our education system focuses on quantity rather than quality. Getting high marks by hook or crook is the only aim of the students; they are not bothered about conceptual understanding or developing critical and creative thinking. This restricts the growth of their mind.

These are some issues, that our educational system is facing nowadays, which need to be resolved and removed from our system. If not completely, then at least some percentage of it can be removed by opening schools which focus on providing progressive quality education to students.

If merit-based teacher selection, output-oriented study, concept clarity of students are treated as important factors,  then we can think of bringing change in our education system. Opening schools where the focus is on providing an excellent education to students will ease the course of action. However, opening a school is not an easy job at all.

You need many things like funds, land, getting approvals from authorities, designing architecture, expertise to create curriculum, etc. Not all these expert knowledge is available with a single person. School Consultancy service plays an important role in this tricky situation. Shri Educare is one such organization, which will help you in realizing the dream of opening such a school.

Shri Educare’s team of experts will help you right from conceptualizing your plan to financial viability and feasibility, to finally launching and operating a school that provides quality and excellence in education. They hold your hands right from the conceptualization stage, safeguarding your investment and time every step of the way. Through in-depth research and constant up gradation of the curriculum with best practices across the world, they provide you with the turn-key support required by you to open preschools and K-12 schools.